Apple Aired Three New Television Advertisements During The London 2012


It took 7 years for the government of United Kingdom a.k.a Great Britain to build all the 17 stadium for the Olympic Games 2012. The opening ceremony for the Olympic Games 2012 was held in the Olympic Stadium on 27th July 2012, Friday. During that opening ceremony the Cupertino Company aired three new television advertisements keeping the Geniuses ahead this time.


This time the advertisements are completely different than the previous ones, this time they have shown the value of there Geniuses who work at the Apple Store’s Genius Bar. The three different advertisements show up three different messages to the customers. The First advertisement names ‘Mayday’, a Genius travelling on board helps a traveller making an iMovie for the travellers wife. The second advertisement shows the same Genius standing in the Hot-dog line where behind him a person is standing telling him that he bought a Mac and then the Genius asks him that does his Mac have iMovie, iPhoto, Garageband and other Apple related software’s, this advertisement names ‘Basically’. The third and last advertisements is quiet funny, a father knocks at the home of a Genius and asks him to make letter-press cards as he is having a child, this advertisement names ‘Labor Day’.

Apple have posted all these advertisements on their web. Below are the advertisements



Labor Day


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