The iPhone 5 personal pickup program is live now. The day before we reported about a new online reservation system that Apple has planned for its users who are eagerly waiting to buy an iPhone 5 from the store would soon be able to book an iPhone 5 online and then pickup the iPhone 5 from the store the same day or after twenty-four hours. If the user fails to pickup the iPhone 5 in the above-mentioned time, then the iPhone 5 would be sold to another customer. This policy for the iPhone 5 was kept by Apple to bring in the stock for the iPhone 5 that has been out of stock since September 21. Somehow, Apple failed to stock the iPhone 5 on the spot and the pre-orders delivery time slipped to 3-4 weeks.
Many people might have cancelled their pre-orders to grab and iPhone 5 as soon as possible. Those who cancelled their pre-orders or willing to buy one from the Retail Store can now go Apple’s Retail Store website and place an order for the iPhone 5 between 10:00pm and 4:00AM. After that, the reservation system would be closed. The time slot is very limited to have an iPhone 5.
The time is very limited for the iPhone 5 personal pickup reservations. The customer will get total of six hours to make an iPhone 5 personal pickup reservation. The time starts from 10:00pm and ends at 4:00am in the morning. However, it is also notified that the stock of iPhone 5 is limited. A limited stock is also available for walk-in customers on first come, first serve basis. If you missed the iPhone 5 personal pickup reservation last night, you can order one now before the time runs out.
We would suggest to order one for you now because who wants to stand in long lines in the morning. Therefore, it is better to make a reservation by tonight rather than waiting for the morning to grab an iPhone 5 for your self.
You can even check the upgrade eligibility program for your self on the same Apple’s Website.
To make an iPhone 5 personal pickup reservation, kindly visit this website and make one reservation for your self before the time runs out.
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