Apple iPhone 5S and iPhone 6 Block Speaker Parts Leaked – Images


This year it is widely expected that Apple will be, unveiling three different Smart Phones to compete the existing Smart Phone Market. The first number is said to be of the iPhone 5S that is highly rumored and is being rumored by the rumor mill. After the iPhone 5S, comes the turn of iPhone 6 on which we have heard nothing much from which we could be pleased or affirm the release. After the iPhone 5 and iPhone 6, comes the turn of iPhone Math that recently surfaced the Internet. This iPhone Math is rumored to be a Mini iPhone or father of all the iPhone’s because the rumors pointed towards a 4.8-inch screen of the iPhone Math.

After the turn of these three iPhone lineups, it was also rumored that the iPhone 5S will debut in several different colors. This means that Apple will bring the iPod Touch 5 color scheme to the iPhone series with the launch of the iPhone 5S. Other than these details, we do not know any further details about the iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, and iPhone Math. The things that we expect from the iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, and iPhone Math are an 8MP, 12MP Camera, 4.2-inch, and 4.8-inch screen will be inserted in the above-mentioned models.

Now coming back to the main rumor of the iPhone 5S and iPhone 6 Alleged Block Speakers that got leaked earlier today are assumed to be the components made for Apple by the manufacturer. As we can see the images shared by Nowhereelse, a French Reliable blog shows the Block Speaker of the iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, and iPhone 6 in comparison with each other.


While comparing the parts with each other, the iPhone 5 Block Speaker and the iPhone 5S block speaker matched exactly with the same size, where as the iPhone 6 speaker didn’t matched because it had some changes made to it. The changes might be done for the 4.8-inch display, iPhone Mini or for the iPhone Math. It is too early to state any thing about the change that has been made to the Block Speaker of the iPhone 6.


According to the source, the iPhone 5S release is expected for somewhere between March and June, where as the iPhone 6 release is expected for the year’s end.

We cannot affirm anything regarding the release date or the images that leaked today at full because it is very early to say anything about the release or the iPhone 5S is in production. According to the source from where the images were taken, we can affirm the legitimateness of that source because it has a firm record when it comes to the iPhone rumors and leaks.


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