Apple Media Event 2012 Live Coverage – Video and Updates


The mimics about the iPhone 5 are going to end today. Today Apple will talk and the world would be listening. Finally, today is the day when iPhone 5 will surface the stage officially by Tim Cook and the team. The Media Event will take place in few hours and before it goes live, every one must be thinking about the iPhone 5 that what will it feature, will the name be the same or different, will the design would be the same as of the leaked one’s or different, and many more thoughts before the Media Event kicks off.

All these timely thoughts only create a good suspense in a persons mind regarding a product. In case of Apple, these timely thoughts make one go crazy because the person has been following the timely rumors from preceding months regarding the upcoming product. All those timely rumors only speculate the upcoming products by providing information from the leaked parts that had surfaced the Internet.

Following all those leaked parts and rumors, we made a prediction of the features in the iPhone 5 to be announced today in just few hours is awaiting your glance over here. We have included all the things that we thought Apple can introduce these features. We also decoded the mysterious five icon in the September 12 Media Invite that was sent by Apple.


So finally we have landed on the rumored and confirmed date of September 12.

Before the show begins and you start to wander on the Internet for the live stream links and latest news regarding the Media Event, we have done everything for you. We have set upped you with all the things that you would be requiring to stay up to date.

First we have embedded a video link that un-official and is not by Apple, somehow people are able to show the Media Event with their own commentaries that is annoying a bit. We will try to find more video links that are showing the Media Event Live with no commentaries. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t allow the Media to do live streaming because of heavy load on its servers.

Below you can see the Live Stream Link.  The streaming will start when the Apple’s Media Event is live.

Apple Media Event 2012 Live Coverage – 2

Live Streams are Down. Kindly catch up with our live blog. Link present below.

Spread the word by Tweeting the link from Here. Catch our Live Blog.


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