Apple to Hold Dual Media Events One after Another This Fall?

We are almost around the Media Event that Apple has planned for this fall to unveil iPhone 5 and iPad Mini. We are hardly weeks away from the unannounced Media Event by Apple. It was highly expected that Apple would be unveiling two new members to the family of iPhone and iPad. The two new members are iPhone 5 and iPad Mini. They are believed to be coming in the unofficially confirmed Media Event on September 12.

However today, a new report from Daring Fireball enclosed by pointing out that Apple would hold two different Media Events this fall. John Gruber of Daring Fireball made a solid situation stating about why Apple would carry two different Media Events this fall.

I’m thinking it makes more sense for Apple to hold two events. First, an iPhone event, focused solely on the new iPhone and iOS 6. Then, the iPhone ships nine days later, and there’s another wave of iPhone-focused attention as the reviews come out. Then, in the first or second week of October, Apple holds its traditional “music event”, exactly along the lines of the events at which they’ve been debuting new iPods for the last decade.

Jim Dalrymple, The Loop Apple Journalist gave out a hint on the statement given out by Grubber stating that:


Oh that Gruber is a smart fellow.

No doubt, Grubber is a smart fellow.

These two different Media Events in the same month somewhat makes sense. Try to recall the previous iPhone 4S Media Event. Apple was only able to introduce the iPhone 4S and iOS 5 in just one hour and few minutes. They don’t have the whole day to spare for the launch. This year, Apple has planned iOS 6, iPhone 5, iPad Mini, and some refreshment to iPod’s as well.

So, on the September 12 Media Event, Apple would be able to announce the new iPhone 5 with its new features like Bigger screen, 4G LTE Connectivity, NFC Technology, and new tech specs. This will take about some hours to explain and demo. After the iPhone 5, Apple will demo the iOS 6 once again on the iPhone 5. This will probably take about two hours at max.  If they proceed on with the iPad Mini, the audience would be bushed.

By obtaining a second Media Event, Apple can show off many new lineups that they have planned to release this fall. In the first Media Event, they can showcase the iPhone 5 and then in the second Media Event, they can showcase the iPad Mini with new iPod lineups.

This idea seems good. What do you people think about two Media events in one month?


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