Apple iPhone 5 Pre-Orders to Start at 12:01 AM on September 14, Friday


The time has passed fast after the iPhone 5 unveiling. Twenty-four hours have passed like a bucket of water poured down. The iPhone 5 was unveiled on September 12 that was this Tuesday and today is Wednesday that is about to end in few hours. After few hours, the date is going to be September 14 when Apple will announce the iPhone 5 Pre-Orders. Apple only told about the iPhone 5 pre-orders will go live on September 14, but they never told the time for the pre-orders. Therefore, today, Apple mailed the users to get ready for the iPhone 5 pre-orders that will start at 12:01 AM (PDT).

The iPhone 5 pre-orders will go live as soon as the clock ticks 12:01 AM (PDT). If you are craving for the iPhone 5 early hands on, then you need to load your credit cards or fill up your pockets with some cash to buy an iPhone 5. Before you even go to fill the cash or prepare your credit cards, you might need to order or make a reservation at Starbucks located near to you. You would be requiring a cup or two of coffee for the iPhone 5 pre-orders.



To pre-order an iPhone is not easy as an ABC. You need to fight for the iPhone pre-orders. You don’t need to have any physical weapon or location to attend the iPhone pre-order fight; indeed, you need multiple machines to get into the fight. There are tons of people pre-ordering the iPhone after it is announced. Therefore, people millions of people on the Internet would be waiting for the iPhone 5 pre-orders to go live, so they can order one for them selves. This huge demand for the iPhone 5 would make the servers go down that will result in halt for the iPhone 5 pre-orders.


To overcome this issue, you need to go with multiple machines to try repeatedly if you fail once for the iPhone 5 pre-orders. We would recommend to wait for the iPhone 5 pre-orders for about an hour or more and then pre-order an iPhone 5 because the load on the servers would be less and you could easily pre-order an iPhone 5.

If you don’t want to pre-order an iPhone 5 that much early and don’t want to be the early bird, then you should join the league of iPhone 5 on September 21.


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