Apple’s 5th Ave Store Gets Early Birds Lined up Ahead of iPhone 5 Sale


We are only five days away from September 21. The day when the iPhone 5 will go on sale in the U.S.A, U.K, Australia, and few other countries. Before the iPhone 5 goes on sale, Apple on Friday opened pre-orders for the iPhone 5. They were blown out by seeing the results of the iPhone 5 pre-orders in just few hours. Apple never gave out the figures of the pre-orders, though the official spokeswoman from Apple told AllThingsD that the results were amazing. The iPhone 5 was out of stock for pre-orders on the same day. This outage made the shipment time slip to 2-3 weeks.

Due to this enormous slip in the shipment time, some people cancelled their pre-orders and opted to stand in the line before the iPhone 5 goes on sale. Those who wanted to campaign outside the Apple store have already started to campaign outside the Apple Store located in the New York. The Apple Store is located on the Fifth Ave in the New York. Today the iPhone 5 got some buyers before it is released on September 21.



The first person in the line is Hazem Sayed. He is the same person who offered a college student a sum of $9000 at the time of iPad 2 Launch to get first in the line. That’s cool. He is first in the line to promote his software App and to get an iPhone 5 obviously.


The second person in the line is Jessica Mellow. Jessica is a body paint artist and a model that is in the line to get an iPhone 5 as early as possible.

Following the old tradition of campaigning outside the Apple Store to get an iPhone, iPod, or iPad before it goes on sale is still being followed by the Apple fans. The fun of campaigning outside the Apple Store must be totally different and amazing. However, the weather might not be that much pleasant for the Apple Fans. To face the weather, people do keep tents, sleeping bags, and folding chairs with them to sit/sleep outside the Apple Store.

The line outside Apple’s Fifth Ave store has just started. The line will be increased by upcoming people in the upcoming days. The more the day closes by, the more the line increases. We have seen the first line started from the New York. Which Country/City is next?

If you got some pictures, know, or come across any City/Country in which the lines have started to form, don’t forget to share with us. Share the pictures via the contact us form.

The iPhone 5 sale begins this Friday on September 21. Get ready.



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