BootROM Level Exploit and Decryption Keys for A5/A5X/A6/A6X in Works


It has been ages since you or we heard about the Untethered Jailbreak for the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, and the iPad Mini along with old A4 Chip quipped Devices. When did you heard about the word “Jailbreak” last? Let us guess. Few weeks back when iOS 6.0.1 debuted for iDevices, Redsn0w was updated to Jailbreak it tethered on iPhone 4, and previous A4 equipped iDevices. After that, we forgot the word called Jailbreak because most of the people owning an iPhone 4S are on preceding iOS 5.0.1 Jailbreaked on their iDevices or some people might have updated to iPhone 5 and are on iOS 6.x.x waiting for the Jailbreak to arrive. Another reason is that no one from the Jailbreaking community is talking about the Jailbreak. It seems like they are not working or they might be working under the hood secretly.

When the iPhone 5 was launched, we notified you about the first iPhone 5 that was Jailbreaked by @CHPWN. That was the time when people started to buy the iPhone 5 and it was the first ever Jailbreak that was done on the day 0 of the iPhone launch. However, no words were said by @CHPWN regarding the release of the Jailbreak for the iPhone 5 or other devices as well. Before the iPhone 5 was released, we told you about strange news that happened in the Jailbreaking community. The key member of the Chronic Dev-Team, @P0sixninja left the team to work on its own and he was no longer associated with the Chronic Dev-Team. This sudden departure of @P0sixninja was not clear and still it is not clear. It seemed that he wanted to make his own name in the Jailbreaking community.

So later today, @p0sixninja from no where Tweeted about the progress of the iPhone 5 Jailbreak and stated the status of the Jailbreak is Grim, but he is working on something bigger and greater that will blow off Jailbreak lovers.


Now what is the bigger thing on which @P0sixninja is working?

This Bigger thing got unveiled soon after @P0sixninja Tweeted about the bigger thing.

The bigger thing is the BootROM Level Exploit for the A5, A5x, A6, and A6X Equipped iDevices.  This information was unveiled in talks with @L33tDawg, the owner of HITBS.




In the above convo with @L33tdawg, @p0sixninja have told about the BootROM Level Exploit and Decryption keys for A5, A5X, A6, and A6X on which he is working solely. In one of the above Tweets, @P0sixninja also mentions that no much is left; only few more things are to be sorted out. This could mean the Untethered Jailbreak for the above-mentioned chips is almost around the corner or it might come in few months depending on the workload and beta testing.


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