Danish Telecoms Stocking iPhone 5 NANO SIM Cards Prior to Announcement


The Danish Telecommunication Companies are stocking the iPhone 5 Nano SIM Cards before the iPhone 5 is released. The Danish Telecom companies are making the Nano SIM Cards based on the previous rumor suggesting the iPhone 5 to have a new SIM Card Slot that will be Nano. This rumor was leaked in preceding month when the SIM Frame of the iPhone 5 was leaked in wild. The leaked part of the iPhone 5 suggested a Nano SIM Card would be placed in the upcoming release of the iPhone by Apple.

This Nano SIM Card is not a new Technology or invented by Apple. This is the first time that any company is using Nano SIM Card Technology into their Smart Phones. This Nano SIM Card is just like a sister of the prevailing Micro SIM Card that is being used in iPhone 4/4S. The only difference between them is of the height. The Micro is smaller and the Nano is smaller than Micro.


You can see clear difference between the present Micro SIM Card and Nano SIM Card that is being produced by Danish Telecom and other cellular companies worldwide. Until now we have came across Danish Telecom of Denmark that is making these Nano SIM Cards to get ready for the upcoming iPhone 5 launch.

The official sources of Mobilsiden.dk states that:


“Vi har implementeret nano-SIM i vores systemer, så vi er sådan set klar, når der kommer produkter, der kan bruge denne kort-type,”

Google Translation:

“We have implemented nano-SIM in our systems, so we this is evident when there are products that can use this card type,”says sales director Michael Bech from Telia to Mobilsiden.dk.

The Nano SIM Card is predicted to be coming in the upcoming iPhone 5. The reason noted by ekstrabladet, for Nano SIM Card is Apple needs ample of space for the larger Battery in the iPhone 5.

So far, we only got a bucket full of rumors regarding the iPhone 5. We only know an unofficial date of the Media Event that was confirmed by various major sources and still needs to revealed by Apple. The Media Event is set for September 12. The same day, we will pour out the rumors from the filled bucket to store in rumors for future.

Thanks to Gokcan Yildirim for sharing this interesting piece of information with us.


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