Download iOS 6.1.4 to Fix SpeakerPhone Profile of the iPhone 5


Download iOS 6.1.4 to fix Speaker Phone issues in the iPhone 5 because Apple has just released an update for the iPhone 5 users only.

While we are waiting for a major update of iOS 6.2 or iOS 6.3 to arrive, so the team of Evad3rs can Jailbreak it and the public stuck on iOS 6.1.2, iOS 6.1.3 can update to it to Jailbreak their iPhone/iPod/iPad. As of now, it looks like Apple has no plans on releasing a major update of iOS 6.2 or iOS 6.3 because the fruit company is playing with its traditional number changes in the build by releasing iOS 6.1.3 and iOS 6.1.4. The fruit company is interested in taking the lead of iOS 6.x.x further as much as possible.

Following the same lead, today Apple released a minor update of iOS 6.1.4 for the iPhone 5 users only because the preceding build of iOS 6.1.3 was having some sort of speakerphone profile issues. We are not aware of this issue, but today Apple made us aware about the issue by releasing iOS 6.1.4 for the iPhone 5 users only.


The recent update of iOS 6.1.4 weighs 11.5MB via O.T.A and downloading it manually via iTunes will make it 0.98GB. Therefore, we don’t recommend you to download it via OTA or manually via iTunes because it will make you lose your Jailbreak. Incase you updated to iOS 6.1.3 accidentally on the iPhone 5, then you can update to this build as well because no Jailbreak would be coming until iOS 6.2 or any major update.

You can download iOS 6.1.4 for the iPhone 5 from the links below:

Download iOS 6.1.4 for the iPhone 5,1

Download iOS 6.1.4 for the iPhone 5,2