Enable Passbook Without Jailbreaking On iOS 6

From the day one we haven’t seen the Passbook by our own hands as we just saw it on the WWDC 2012 and then we have been making a list of the beta’s to release so that we can have on which beta the passbook working but now you are off the hook of waiting because we have got a way to enable Passbook without jail-breaking the iOS 6 Beta.

So just start over

  • Go to Safari
  • Goto the following URL > http://www.passsource.com/
  • Start to make your Cards on the web
  • Create the cards
  • Goto the Passbook App and see all the cards which you created at the web http://www.passsource.com/

Don’t get your self in the happiness of using them as the iOS 6 in still in beta and the Passbook’s are not even officially braced to the public.





One response to “Enable Passbook Without Jailbreaking On iOS 6”

  1. PassK.it Avatar

    If you have iOS6 Beta and would like to use the PassKit API to push a pass update, simply download the sample Starbuck’s Pass from You’ll be sent the API for free and able to test the push update functionality instantly.

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