Few hours back the iPhone Dev-team released Redsn0w 0.9.13dev2 after the Apple released iOS 6 Beta 2 to developers for the application development. In this article we will tell you how to jailbreak with Redsn0w 0.9.13dev2 the iOS 6 Beta 2. Before the tutorial goes, we would like to tell you that by jail-breaking this time you won’t get Cydia only you wil get is the access in to the iOS 6 SSH files and pass over the beginning if you have a locked device.
This will be a tethered jailbreak, jail-breaking the A4 and below devices. In order to jailbreak iOS 6 Beta 2 you will need the iOS 6 Beta 1 firmware. So let’s start
- Install the freshly released beta by Apple i.e iOS 6 Beta 2
- Connect the iDevice to your PC/OS X Device
- Goto Extras
- Select the .ipsw file of iOS 6 Beta 1
- Go back to the main screen of Redsn0w 0.9.13dev2
- Click Jailbreak
- Do not forget to check ‘Install SSH’
- When the jailbreaking process finishes, enter into DFU mode
- Goto Extras and point again to iOS 6 Beta 1 firmware
- Go back to the Extra screen
- Click ‘Just Boot Tether’
This jailbreak will be tethered and will not get Cydia on screen, to get Cydia follow this tutorial.
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