The day before, iPhone Dev-Team released a unique version of redsn0w only for iOS 6beta1. That new version of Redsn0w 0.9.13dev1 was released for Developers only and not for the public. This means that the release of the redsn0w 0.9.13dev1 doesn’t installs Cydia or any new exploit, it simply adds in install SSH Support for developers to fix up their Jailbreak Apps on the latest iOS 6b1 build. To be more concise, Apple released the first version of iOS 6 after they had demoed it at WWDC on June 11 with over 200 new features arriving in iOS 6.
To break into iOS 6 would be another great challenge for the Dev-Team. The new iOS 6 will get all the bugs fixed and this time it would be harder for the Dev-Team to bring out a Jailbreak for iOS 6. We expect that a Tethered Jailbreak would be out for A4 Devices and below. No luck for A5 and A5X processor equipped devices owners like before because there is no boot rom level exploit found out yet. We hope that a bootrom level is discovered in near future. We can do nothing than expecting.
While we are expecting a lot from the Dev-Team, till then the Developers who need to update their Jailbroken Apps on iOS 6beta1 can follow up the tutorial below to install SSH on their iPhone 3GS, 4, and all the older Devices on which iOS 6 is supported.
Steps to follow:
Step 1:
First of all download the following things that are required for this Tethered Jailbreak.
After you are done downloading, install iTunes and hookup your iDevice with iOS 6. You will need a Dev Account to access iOS 6 betas. Once you are done with the downloading and installing process, now move to the real part.
Step 2:
Once you are on iOS 6, simply open up Redsn0w 0.9.13dev1 and go into Extras option. Over there you will see many options. You are only interested in Select IPSW option.
Press that and now point out the iOS 6 IPSW that you downloaded from your Developers account.
Step 3:
Redsn0w 0.9.13dev1 will recognize the IPSW as iOS 6 build.
After this, press the back button and go back to the home screen.
Step 4:
Now you will see the old two options once again. This time you need to press jailbreak button and Redsn0w 0.9.13dev1 will do its work.
After the work is done, it will show you some options with “Install SSH already ticked.”
Just proceed next. You don’t have to press on anything. The option you need is install SSH. That’s it. Do remember that Cydia won’t be installed.
Now enter into DFU Mode and proceed on.
Step 5:
The Jailbreak process will start on your Device. Once the process is done, simply open up redsn0w 0.9.13bdev1 and go into extras Menu.
Step 6:
Over here in the extras Menu, you need to press Just Boot option. Once pressed, put your iDevice into DFU Mode and proceed on next. You will soon be Booted Tethered on iOS 6.
Once the iDevice is up, you will be Tethered Jailbroken on iOS 6b1. There will no Cydia on your Device because this version of Redsn0w was released for Developers who want to fix their Jaibroken Apps on iOS 6.
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