iOS 5.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak by Pod2g Releasing in Few Days

Like we told you before that the weekend fever started with some great Jailbreak news from the hacker @Pod2g who is actively working on the Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 5.1.1 with the help of other members. Recently he updated the list of iDevices that will be supported for this upcoming Untethered Jailbreak and also tested the Untethered Jailbreak on those Devices with few of them were still remaining to test on with. The iDevices, iPhone 3GS and iPod 3G were at first excluded and later on they were also included in the upcoming Untethered Jailbreak by a new exploit found by them.

Today @Pod2g Tweeted on his Twitter account that the work is almost done with the help of @planetbeing and @pimseks, the release is around the corner.

 @pod2g: Thanks to awesome work of @planetbeing and @pimskeks, we’re near ready for a release. Now it’s a matter of days.

Still the support for Apple TV 3 wont is included because it needs some real hard work to Untethered Jailbreak it. Now the release is in days, so you people must be thinking to update to iOS 5.1.1. We would suggest you to stay away from the update and wait for the update of this untethered jailbreak, then decide what to do. If you rely on an Unlock, don’t update to iOS 5.1.1 because there is no unlock for iOS 5.1.1 by any Ultrasn0w or from Gevey SIM people yet.

Those of who you are on iOS 5.1.1 are you people excited about the news of the Untethered Jailbreak coming in days. Do let  us know about your feelings by commenting below.


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