Today @Pod2g announced some progress on the long awaited jailbreak for iOS 5.1. He announced on his Twitter account that he has all the exploits for the Jailbreak in his hand and he is working on by passing the ASLR on boot up.
News: we have all exploits required to do a new jailbreak. I’m working on bypassing ASLR at bootup.
Pod2g is the member of the Chronic Dev Team merged with all the other hackers to perform the Dream Team to work on the Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 on iPhone 4S and iPad 2 in past. This time, when the iPad 3 was released, the Dream Team members showed off the untethered jailbreak for the New iPad and no eta was given so far. Still no eta has been provided by @Pod2g for the Jailbreak. Instead he gave a clue that he is actively working on bypassing ASLR at Bootup.
Those of you don’t know about ASLR, So ASLR is Address Space Layout Randomization is a form of data security used to randomize data on the RAM to help prevent exploits from taking control of the system. It first appeared in iOS 4.3.
This is a great news for all those waiting for the Jailbreak of iPad 3 and older Devices. They will soon be seeing the dream come true. We think that this might not take long because they got all the exploits in their hand and a small portion is needed to be worked on. The release might be this month of the next month of the Jailbreak of iOS 5.1.
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