iOS 6 Beta 2 Coming in July, iOS 6 Beta 1 Expires 17 July 2012


Today Apple released the first build of its future of iDevices with more than 200 features. The initial release of the future of iDevices, iOS 6 debuted in its first Beta few minutes back for developers. Every Developer is trying hard to download the first Beta of iOS 6 and after downloading the build; he will for sure look into the source code to find the future reference of iPhone 5. It is very common that Apple adds the source code of the upcoming iDevice in the previous beta builds of final build planned for future release. It is predicted that Apple will release about 7-9 beta builds of this iOS 6 before the final GM Build release.

The prediction comes from the iOS 6 beta 1 expiration date that was revealed by ih8sn0w, few minutes back on his Twitter account stating that iOS 6 will expire on, 17 July 2012 @8PM EST.


Those of you who are not aware with the name of ih8sn0w, let us tell you that he is iOS hacker and the Devloper behind the Windows Jailbreaking Tool called Sn0wbreeze and  iFaith that helps you a lot in Jailbreaking, updating while preserving the baseband, and even downgrading from future iOS to old one with the help of SHSH Blobs. Every time there is a Beta release of the new iOS, he is the first one to tell about the expiry date and time of that build.

Meanwhile, you can download the iOS 6 Beta 1 version from here.


13 responses to “iOS 6 Beta 2 Coming in July, iOS 6 Beta 1 Expires 17 July 2012”

  1. Zach Avatar

    LOL July 17th is not next wednesday.

    1. admin Avatar

      lol. thanks

  2. Zack Avatar

    July 17 is a tuesday

  3. Tech Avatar

    It’s a Sunday dumb ass

    1. Will Avatar

      JUNE 17th is a sunday, yes, but we’re all talking about JULY 17th which is in fact a Tuesday

  4. R3TRI8UTI0N Avatar

    It’s a Tuesday. Check your calendar app moron.

  5. @pahellebrand Avatar

    That’s Good!, like iOS 5 beta : every two weeks a New beta!

  6. silver_arrow Avatar

    Just wondering but what happens if it expires, do you just need to update it with a newer one ?

    1. Daudi Avatar


  7. Tanner Avatar

    Who the fuck writes this stuff? I had better grammar than you when I was seven..

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