iOS 6 Final Version Release Time Alleged Schedule Leaked


Today Apple is going to release the final version of iOS 6 with over 200 features for the iPhone/iPod/iPad. This new final version of iOS 6 will be brining many new innovative features with it in just few hours. Apple announced on September 12 that they would be releasing the final version of iOS 6 on September 19 that is today. Every one must be very curious about the unveiling time of iOS 6 for sure. Whereas many of you people might not be interested into, press that ugly UPDATE button as soon as the iOS 6 arrives. On the other hand, some of you might be waiting for the iOS 6 to arrive, so you can press that UPDATE button and hook onto iOS 6.

Before iOS 6 final version could make appearance, we got our hands on the leaked time table specially made for the iOS 6 Final release. The timetable is made accordingly with all of the time zones around the globe. Every single time zone is shown in the table for the iOS 6 GM. You can see the table below:


The timetable shown above is not yet confirmed or leaked by any reliable source. The above timetable was floating on Twitter and was picked by Fortune’s Philip Elmer DeWitt. However, we cannot authenticate the timetable scheduled time.

Take this timetable as rumor and stay away from the iOS 6 update. Although the iOS 6 Update would be bringing many new features with it, but we recommend you people to stay way from the final release until further notice. This new upcoming final build of iOS 6 isn’t bringing in any features if compared to the iOS 6 GM Version that was released on September 12. Both the versions would be the same. The only difference might be off build numbers.


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