iPhone Goes on Discount at AT&T and Verizon After Sprint Price Drop


Today a third major retailer has joined the competition of price slashing on the iPhone’s. The first carrier to do price slashing was Sprint, then Apple joined the game, after Apple BestBuy, and now Target is said to be in the price slashing game. Target is offering iPhone’s by AT&T and Verizon with a $50 off on contract based iPhone Models. Soon after Apple began to discount the iPhone Models at their retail Store BestBuy started to discount the iPhone 4 8GB Model to $49.99 making a $50 off the iPhone 4 8GB Model, Where as the price of the iPhone 4S remains the same $199.99.


In addition to the above price slashing game, Target is now selling the iPhone 4S 16GB model at a price tag of $149.99 on carriers of Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T. Meanwhile Sprint has discounted every model of iPhone with $50 off them.

The reason behind this price slashing game is to be blamed the iPhone 5 emerging rumors. The rumors regarding the iPhone 5 are emerging like a volcano making all the carriers go with a price slash. However, recent news regarding the iPhone 5 confirmed that the Media Event will be held on September 12, where as the Pre-Orders are also lined up for the same day. The launch is expected in U.S by September 21 for the first wave and the second wave would be released in the first week of October.

Today some reliable sources from AT&T also confirmed about a mysterious event coming in September and a scheduled training has been planned for the employees regarding a new product by Apple in October. The expected product is the iPhone 5.

(PC World)


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