Kariem McFarlin Robs Steve Jobs’ Home Stealing Items Worth $60,000


Today we came across new news that is not related to the iPhone 5. This time the news is related to the Late C.E.O of Apple, Steve Jobs’. The report claims that Late C.E.O’s house in Alto Palo became the victim of a solid robbery making a loss of $60,000. The robbery was done last Month in July. The housebreaker took off with Steve Jobs’ personal belongings and some computers that worth $60,000. This incident occurred when none of the family member was at home because of the on going renovation of Steve Jobs’ house the last month.

The housebreaker was unaware of the fact that the house he was robing in Alto Palo was of the most famous person. The police related to the case declined to state anything further and refused to state any statement because the charges were filed against the housebreaker.

According to Jason Green of The San Jose Mercury News:

The deceased Apple co-founder’s home on Waverley Street in Palo Alto was burglarized July 17, said Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Tom Flattery, a member of the high-technology crimes unit.

More over the burglary is said to an untargeted rather than a targeted one. The computers that were stolen were of the family member or Steve Jobs’. This thing is unconfirmed.

More than $60,000 worth of “computers and personal items” were allegedly stolen, but Flattery declined to say whether they belonged to Jobs, who died last year at the age of 56, or another family member.

By the start of the next month, that is August, the burglar was arrested due connection with some crime. The name of the burglar is Kariem McFarlin, 35 years old, of Alameda. After 5 days of the housebreaking, he was accused for housebreaking and selling stolen property.


Kariem McFarlin

Image courtesy (Mercury News)

The housebreaker is now in county Jail on $500,000 Bail, could be charged with a minimum life sentence of 7 years and eight months. He will also be charged with a Boost of “Excessive Taking of Property.” Tom Flattery, the district Attorney said.

The crime that took place is done randomly, but one thing that makes us confuse is that when the housebreaker broke into house, he only took most the electronic stuff from different places. While he was taking the things from different places in the house, didn’t he came over the picture of Steve Jobs’ in the house hanging on the wall or on any computer table or any where placed on the shelf.

However, when a housebreaker is on lose, he never cares about whom house it is, he is in a rush to get the work done ASAP. Still the house was of not any normal person, the house was of the Late C.E.O of Apple, Steve Jobs’.


Anyways, the housebreaker did what he had to, and the simplicity of Steve Jobs’ should be seen in this matter that he had no guards; no cameras to watch after his house in Alto Palo; even after being such a rich person he never ever installed or hired any of the things in the house.

What do you people think over this incident?

via (IDB)


3 responses to “Kariem McFarlin Robs Steve Jobs’ Home Stealing Items Worth $60,000”

  1. AbbasHaider1 Avatar

    Omg lucky guy :P

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