No iOS 6.1.3 Jailbreak, We will Jailbreak iOS 6.2 if Released – Pod2g


We have no plans on releasing iOS 6.1.3 Jailbreak because it would be minor update, indeed we are waiting for major update like iOS 6.2. To make an iOS 6.1.3 Jailbreak would require heavy efforts for this minimal update that is not worth it.

People who updated on iOS 6.1.3 or bought an iPhone/iPod/iPad on iOS 6.1.3 would need to wait a bit longer for the Jailbreak of it because the Evad3rs are not working on iOS 6.1.3 Jailbreak. Recently pod2g, the upfront member of the Evad3rs and finder of exploits for iOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak responded a person on his twitter account when asked about the iOS 6.1.3 Jailbreak progress. The person asked Pod2g, if the team is working on the Jailbreak of iOS 6.1.3 or not. Pod2g in reply told the person that the team is not working on the Jailbreak of iOS 6.1.3 because it is not worth it to Jailbreak.

It is a minimal update and working on it is equivalent to wasting time on something irrelevant.

Moreover, Pod2g also told that the Evad3rs are waiting for major release of iOS. Pod2g revealed this major release of iOS today after a great session at HITBSC 2013 in an interview with Filip Truta of Softpedia.

Like every one, Truta being curious to know about the future Jailbreak release asked Pod2g if people would need to wait until iOS 7 for the Jailbreak to be released?

While answering Truta, Pod2g said,

“we’re not releasing any jailbreaks until the next major release or until another major release, like iOS 6.2.”

The arrival of iOS 6.2 by Apple is a bit sketchy because Apple can release iOS 6.1.4 to address any issue if found in iOS 6.1.3. However, according to previous reports from David Wang, another member of the Evad3rs told that Apple has closed three loopholes in iOS 6.1.3 out of five loopholes. Therefore, to work on iOS 6.1.3 Jailbreak is useless because the team would be burning exploits that will be patched by Apple in iOS 6.1.4 update.

This is the main reason due to which the Evad3rs are not releasing any new Jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3. The team is waiting for a major release like iOS 7 or iOS 6.2 that is skeptical. We don’t see any reason for iOS 6.2 to arrive. The next iOS release should be of iOS 7 that will be done this fall 2013.

According to a previous report, we might not have to wait for the iOS 7 Jailbreak because P0sixninja has some exploits on his hand and he is waiting for the arrival iOS 7 to test them.


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