While waiting for the Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 5.1.x from @pod2g, we were expecting the release soon and for all the iDevices out there including old devices. Sadly, today @pod2g, the iOS hacker announced that the Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPod 3G won’t be arriving with the Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 5.1.x. The support of the Untethered Jailbreak will be for iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPad 2, and iPad 3 on iOS 5.1.x. He told this sad news on his blog by updating the FAQ area.
blog posted some informations about 5.1.x untethered jailbreak. pod2g-ios.blogspot.fr/2012/05/51x-un…
— pod2g (@pod2g) May 14, 2012
5.1.x untethered jailbreak FAQ I receive lots of questions either by email or twitter about the 5.1.x untethered jailbreak. Here are some answers :
- The poll about releasing now or waiting for 6.0 ended with a 64% / 33% to release ASAP. Where is the link ? ETA ? How much % done ? etc. As I said earlier in twitter, there’s still a lot to do to have a user friendly and well tested tool to install the jailbreak on end users devices. Expect a release in a couple of weeks.
- Will it be compatible with my <any random iOS device> ? It will be compatible with any device running iOS 5.1.1 except iPod 3G, iPhone 3Gs and ATV3 (right now, may change in a near future, nobody knows).
- Why is it so slow to release now that the iPad 3,1 has been demoed ? There are 16 different devices out there to work on and to test. It takes time.
- May I be a beta tester ? No, sorry. Only really trusted people (that can be counted on one hand) could have access to the jailbreak. I don’t want any leak to happen.
- What if I offer you 1,000,000$ ? That doesn’t change a thing.
Be patient, it’s gonna happen. See you my friends. After this, He Tweeted on his Twitter account that the Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPod 3G will be missed in the upcoming release.
Sad news. Just tested the untether on an iPod 3G. The kernel vulnerability don’t happen on this one. I think iPhone 3Gs is out too.
— pod2g (@pod2g) May 14, 2012
The reason he told about the drop off for iPod 3G, iPhone 3GS for the untethered Jailbreak for iOS 5.1.x is that he tested on them and the Kernel Vulnerability is not happening on these devices. This means that these iDevices are out of the league of Untethered Jailbreak. Not only these two, ATV 3 (Apple TV 3) is also out of the league for the time being because he needs to do some work on it to make it Untethered.
As far as the release is concerned, expect the Untethered Jailbreak to debut in couple of weeks that are approximately two weeks or less. @Pod2g needs to test the Untethered Jailbreak on his hand to make sure that the Untethered Jailbreak works fine and it is complete user friendly for the release. Once the Jailbreak is ready, it will be out for public. He cannot chose some random testers for the untethered jailbreak because last time @Comex’s user land exploit was leaked in public and got fixed by Apple in the next iOS update. Due to this reason, Pod2g cannot rely on any one other than a very trusted person. Once the testing is done, the release would be done.
All we have to do is just wait for few weeks and then we will have the Untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.1.x on all the iDevices except, iPhone 3GS, iPod 3G, and ATV3.
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