Today seems to be a bad day for Apple Stores. Early today we told you about the visit of Flood at Shanghai Apple Store and now we came across another sad news regarding the Promenade Temecula Apple Store that was shattered by a car to steal good amount of iDevices from the Retail Store. The Apple Store located in Promenade Temecula, California was visited by some crash and affect robbers who broke into Apple Store after hitting the front glass of the Apple Store with a car. After shattering the front glass of the Apple Store, the iTheif’s took away some good amount of products with them.
As you can see in the above image, the amount of damage caused to the front screen of Promenade Temecula Apple Store is very insane. The front window of the Promenade Temecula Apple Store is shattered completely.
As you can see in the above picture, the products put on display are also damaged with this car crash. Even the display tables are also ripped off.
The store is closed for the time being and no words have been said on the re-opening of the Apple Store.
via (macrumors)
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