It seems like Apple is on the lead to beat the leaks and rumors from different other sources. Today, Apple is on the threshold for leaking official confirmations regarding what will be coming at iPhone 5 Media Event that is going to be held in few hours from now. Moments ago, Apple officially leaked the name of the upcoming iPhone. The upcoming iPhone 5 would be called, the “iPhone 5” rather than the alleged name of The New iPhone. It was highly expected that the upcoming iPhone would be name, The New iPhone and not the iPhone 5. However, the expectations went wrong.
Soon after the leaked name of the iPhone 5 from, another leaked document revealed, Apple is going to introduce iTunes 11 along side many new and exciting announcements.
According to 9to5mac, the new iTunes 11 is fully customized and redesigned with many new features. The iTunes 11 would be faster than preceding versions. The new iTunes 11 would also look smoother.
The features of the iTunes 11 are unknown for the time being and cannot be told until it is released for public. The wait for the iTunes 11, iPhone 5, iPod Nano, and for the iPod Touch would be over in just few hours.
Stay tuned with us on our live stream channel for the iPhone 5 Media Event.
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