Root Samsung Galaxy S4 Running Android 4.2.2 Noobs Guide is now live for the owners of Samsung Galaxy S4. This guide is for GT I9500 users only.
The legacy of Rooting Android running smartphones continues. The newly released Samsung Galaxy S4 was in the line waiting to be rooted and recently it got rooted. The owners of Galaxy S4 must be jumping now after hearing this news because they will be able to install custom ROMS and MODS in their Galaxy S4 after they have successfully rooted the smart phone. Every user of android knowing about root procedure is well aware of the fact that Rooting is different from Jailbreak and warranty is void in both the Jailbreaked Devices and Rooted Devices.
The concept of warranty being voided is not clear because people want to cross the boundaries of OS and wants to add something new in their smart phone. That something is the missing feature from the smart phone OS or making any feature the way it should be. Everything done is in the OS and nothing is done in the hardware section by opening the smart phone. Therefore, voiding the warranty doesn’t make any sense. The only reason these OS companies void warranty is thinking that they are smarter than the developers or are afraid that developers are smarter than the company.
However, we are not indulging in the discussion of warranty violation by rooting because we know that rooting is our right and we will root the phone in every possible way to explore new features. The same features that the company failed to provide.
Continuing with the rights of Rooting, today we came across a noob’s guide published on our friends network named KnownTips. We will be following the same guide, but in more simpler and easy steps.
Before we proceed on, you all should be aware of the fact that backing up your phone before doing such activity is mandatory and this step should be done imminently. If anything goes wrong and you need to restart/restore the phone, your data will be lost.
Root Samsung Galaxy S4 Running Android 4.2.2:
Files needed to be downloaded before starting the procedure:
- Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-19500 and not GT-I9502. (Make sure that you have the right version of the phone).
- The phone should be running Android 4.2.2.
- Cofface’s CWM Recovery & Root (download) (Windows Only)
- Odin3 Flash Utility (download)
- Minimum Battery requirement is 60%-80%
- Samsung USB Driver for your Galaxy S4 because without this nothing can be done.
Once you are ready with the things and loaded, follow the steps below to open the doors of freedom on your Galaxy S4.
Step 1:
Download all the files and put them in a folder named “Samsung Galaxy S4 Root”.
Step 2:
Power off Galaxy S4. Then plug the Samsung’s original USB cable to your computer, and get ready to put the phone into recovery mode. In order to do that press the Power up and down combination, plug-in the USB cable in your device while pressing the Key Combination.
Step 3:
After this step, launch Odin from your PC and it should connect to Galaxy S4 in Recovery mode.
Step 4:
After doing the above step, now you need to select offace_samsungI9500_recovery_en_0503.tar under the PDA Tab to flash the recovery. Before proceeding on make sure that Re-Partition is unchecked.
Step 5:
Now all you need to do is just press the “Start” button for the procedure to start.
Step 6:
After the work is done, the phone will reboot and the work wont be done because there is on more step that needs to be done.
The work is that you need to turn off the phone again, and then go into recovery mode by pressing volume up +power button.
Once you are in, you will see this option of Root your phone. Just select it and get ready for the final reboot.
Step 7:
Now enjoy Rooted Samsung Galaxy S4 GT I9500 Running Android 4.2.2.
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