Samsung’s Apple like Store Opened in Sydney’s George Street Australia

The war of the stores has just begun in Australia. This very fine Thursday, Samsung opened up an Apple like Store in Sydney on George’s Street. The news of the newly opened Flagship outlet opened by Samsung in Australia comes from SMH (Sydney Morning Herald) who opted to give a look in the new outlet by Samsung that was more looking like an Apple Store. On entering in the store, they realized the store is not of Apple though it is of Samsung. The outfit of the store is similar to the Apple Store that is just few blocks away. The inauguration of the store located at 450 George Street, was done with the newly released Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1.

According to SMH, everything starting from the store layout till packaging has been copied of Apple. This includes the dress code employees are wearing, the placement of products, smart phone’s packaging, and promotional materials.

Everything from the store layout to the sales staff to the products and even the packaging and promotional material is uncannily Apple-esque.

Luckily on this grand opening of the Samsung’s Apple Like Store, SMH was able to get hold of Samsung Australia telecommunications vice president, Tyler McGee. Without wasting any time, SMH went on with series of questions with McGee asking about the similarity between the Apple Store and Samsung Store. The remarks by McGee were not so appealing. You can check them out in the video below:

 Video Interview:

Talking with SMH, McGee said they never imagined Apple Store while creating this Samsung flagship. He also added that Apple never came into comparison while we were looking for the location of the store.

This statement is not digestible by us. They would have known about the Apple Store near by. Samsung wanted to create a competition by opening its flagship in the same area where Apple’s flagship is located. We got hands on the locations of both of the stores on Google Maps that clearly shows the difference between them.


The above picture clearly states about the location of Samsung and Apple Stores. The difference between them would be of three to five minutes walk.

Who’s the stalker now?


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