T-Mobile U.K Store Precisely Destroyed by an Angry Customer (Video)


An angry customer destroyed the T-Mobile store in U.K very precisely. None of the store employee dared to interrupt his progress. The angry customer totally ripped off the T-Mobile store interior easily from wall hanging to demo shelves of the cellphones. Can you imagine? We also couldn’t imagine this happening so easily by a single person. We also thought that this couldn’t be done by a single man until we saw the video proof of that.

Below attached is the video of that person destroying T-Mobile Store precisely without any fear or anything. The video was shot by Niall, who was available on the site of the scene. Luckily, that person filmed the whole scene and uploaded to the YouTube channel.

After seeing the video, it looks like the customer got an outrageous bill from the T-Mobile company that made him visit the store and do some outrageous changes to the interior of the store. The store went under some interior changes on Saturday, as noted by Mashable and the T-Mobile store location is said to be Manchester, England.

The best thing in the video is the finishing that the angry customer does. He picks up the fire extinguisher and sprays it on the broken products. The most amazing thing was the T-Mobile Store employee who somewhat looks like Mario Balotelli, the Italian football player stands in the right corner and see the man destroy all the stuff. Technically the store employee waits for the police to arrive and take some action.

You people must have enjoyed the video as the crowed enjoyed the live stream of it. However, what could be the possible reason behind destroying the store? Can you guess or suggest any reason that made the guy go destroy the T-Mobile store?


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