The Biggest Troll Update of Skype for the iPhone 5 is here (Download)


The most popular social network platform that we use to communicate with each other on different platforms was previously acquired by Microsoft. After being acquired by Microsoft, this famous communication gateway started to troll the updates on the platform of iOS. This communication gateway is no other than Skype. Skype is one of the famous communication gate way used by Million of the users on different platforms including iOS. The users of iOS are dependent on timely updates of Skype because Apple is on the roll these days in regards of releasing new products.

Back in October Apple released the Next Big Things, “iPhone 5” and in the last week of September, Apple released many new products starting from the iPad Mini to iPad Fourth Gen with improved Display and new features. All of these products made the life of Application Developers a bit miserable because they needed to update their Apps on time to gain more sales and to endure a better customer experience.


Like ways, Skype pushed out the first update mentioning updated for the iPhone 5 and iOS 6, as it wasn’t updated for the iPhone 5 completely. This new update for the iPhone 5 raised many voices against Skype and rated them as low as people could on the App Store. This was the first Troll update that Skype rolled out for the iPhone 5 users.

The day before, Skype was updated to support the taller display of the iPhone 5 with some minor bugs fixed. This was the second troll update that Skype could make. Instead of releasing one update for the iPhone 5 support, Skype released two updates only to support the iPhone 5 with different wordings.

After this gorgeous update of Skype, we can now finally say that Skype has been updated for the iPhone 5 to support a 4-inch Retina Display after two troll updates.

You can download the latest version of Skype for the iPhone 5 from here free to be trolled.


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